If you're still on the fence about receiving dental implants, consider the benefits! Adding dental implants to your oral health plan can offer long-lasting results.
Here are a few benefits to keep in mind before scheduling your procedure.
1. Lasting Stability
If there's a gap between your existing teeth, your teeth might start to migrate toward the gap. Your teeth might start to appear crooked as a result. Crooked teeth can impact your bite and appearance.
You might struggle to chew properly. Meanwhile, your risk of an accident could increase. Trauma could cause you to lose one of your crooked teeth.
Instead, consider pairing dental implants with Invisalign treatment. You can straighten your teeth, then use an implant to fill in the gap.
Otherwise, consider implants before your teeth start to migrate toward the gap. You can avoid crooked teeth and future issues altogether.
2. Natural Appearance
One of the greatest benefits of dental implants is they look and act like your natural teeth. No one will realize you have an implant in place.
You'll no longer have to avoid chewing on that side of your mouth. Instead, you can enjoy your favorite foods again. Otherwise, chewing with a gap between your teeth can cause discomfort.
Dental implants are biocompatible, too. Your body will accept the implant, allowing you to avoid complications.
3. Save Time, Money, and Stress
Dental implants could save you money in the long run, too. The cost can range between
$3,000 to $4,500. You can talk to your Catoosa dentist for a more accurate quote.
If you wait to receive treatment, you could experience complications. For example, you could lose another tooth or develop gum disease. Bone loss is probable, too.
Consider scheduling your dental implant procedure before that can happen. You'll save money and stress in the long run.
4. Dodge Bone Loss
If there's a gap between your teeth, your jawbone might lack stimulation. Your jawbone might deteriorate as a result. Before that can happen, talk to your Catoosa dentist.
Your implant can replace the tooth and root, ensuring your jawbone gets the stimulation it needs.
5. Prevent Gum Disease
Leaving a gap between your teeth makes it easier for food particles to hide away. Food can mix with the bacteria in your mouth to promote plaque build-up. Plaque and tartar can lead to gum disease.
Gum disease can put your overall health at risk. Instead, consider endosteal implants right away.
6. Avoid Sagging
Your facial structure could start to deteriorate if you're missing a tooth. In fact, your face could start to shrivel inwards. Wrinkles can form as a result.
Instead, use a dental implant to improve your appearance and avoid deterioration.
7. Boost Your Confidence
Do you hide your smile behind closed lips? Consider scheduling your dental implant procedure. You can restore your smile, which could give your confidence a boost!
8. Immediate, Lasting Results
success rate
for dental implants is 98%. You can restore your smile, avoid health complications, and enjoy your implants forever.
Visit your Catoosa dentist to start enjoying these benefits today!